E.M.Power 11: From Self Mastery to Leadership Skills for Women


Meditation Focus: Practice affirmations and meditation to identify our self-mastery & the qualities necessary to envision oneself as our own guru as well a leader, fostering a sense of empowerment and capability, triggering significant self-improvement. Positive introspection, women empowerment experiences Subtle Energy Centers & Spiritual Qualities: Void (Guru Principle), Right Heart chakra - Leadership and …

E.M.Power 11: From Self Mastery to Leadership Skills for Women Read More »

E.M.Power 12: Career Advancement Strategies – Find your Inner Strength & Detachment to determine the best course at the right moment to navigate your professional life


Meditation & Wellness Workshop Focus: Meditate with attention on chakras that provide us with qualities necessary in our professional & societal roles. Navigate through several qualities of chakras in the subtle system. Subtle Energy Centers & Spiritual Qualities: Right Nabhi chakra, Right Heart chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, Agnya chakra Special Feature/Guest: Paula, Anjali, Shivangna, Ioana

E.M.Power 13: Finding your own voice & speaking up your truth (Public Speaking)


Meditation and Wellness Workshop Focus: Positive introspection through empowering affirmations during calming meditation to strengthen inner voice, improve mental clarity and remove effects of previous bullying or emotional suppression. Also reduce public speaking anxiety and enhance focus as a byproduct. Realize importance of assertive communication, setting boundaries, and standing up for oneself. Subtle Energy Centers …

E.M.Power 13: Finding your own voice & speaking up your truth (Public Speaking) Read More »

E.M.Power 14: Crisis Management and Problem Solving with Diplomacy and Detachment


Meditation and Wellness Workshop Focus: Self-confidence and detachment enhancing guided meditation using positive affirmations, healing mantras and practical tips with elements for energy balancing to improve clarity and decision-making during crises Subtle Energy Centers & Spiritual Qualities: Super-ego, Moon Channel, Guru Principle, Detachment and Vishuddhi chakra - witness state, spontaneity, Hamsa (discernment) Special Feature/Special Guest: …

E.M.Power 14: Crisis Management and Problem Solving with Diplomacy and Detachment Read More »

E.M.Power 15: Enlightened Creativity leading to Purposeful Freedom of Expression & The Joy of Life


Meditation and Wellness Workshop Focus: Guided meditation centered on the innate pure desire, pure intelligence, pure knowledge, pure attention leading to spontaneous inspiration and unleashing the joy of creativity Content: Positive affirmations, Connect to the liver (source of attention), Subtle Energy Centers & Spiritual Qualities: Swadisthana, Mooladhara (root chakra), Solar Channel Special Feature/Special Guest: Ana-Bianca, Kathleen  …

E.M.Power 15: Enlightened Creativity leading to Purposeful Freedom of Expression & The Joy of Life Read More »

E.M.Power 16: From “Me” to “We” – Shifting Attention with Compassion towards World Problems


Meditation and Wellness Workshop Focus: Guided meditation on the global personality & let it shine. Meditate with enlightened attention and Buddha's mantras and learn about bandhans (ethereal/vibrational letters of positive attention) on world problems & using our spiritual qualities for uplifting society. Ultimately, recognize the collectivity that exists within us that can strengthen and better …

E.M.Power 16: From “Me” to “We” – Shifting Attention with Compassion towards World Problems Read More »